As the world’s only peer-to-peer network exclusively for School Leaders
ELO helps transform the lives of those who transform the world

Participate in a Forum
Forum is a confidential small group of 6-10 peers (like a Mastermind group, but better). Forums typically meet once a month to work through the Top 5% and Bottom 5% of your lives. It's a mix of personal and professional development that has been utilized for over 40 years in other industries. The structure of the meeting pulls out meaningful discoveries by utilizing experience sharing vs. advice giving. Forum is truly a life altering experience for leaders.
Forum Training
Forum training is provided by the top trainers in the world for peer groups. This virtual instructional workshop will ensure you have a solid foundation and understanding in Forum process and protocols to enjoy a successful Forum journey. You must complete this training before joining a Forum to understand the protocols of participating in an effective Forum meeting.
Exclusive Learning Opportunities
Gain access to the world class speakers and training schedule in a private setting. Join live with an opportunity to interact with thought-leading speakers or watch later on-demand. We build out an annual learning calendar focused specifically on the needs of School Leaders.
24-hour Access to the Private Online Peer Community
Once you join, you are now part of an exclusive group that shares your values of learning, growing, and leading your best life. You'll be able to interact with other School Leaders in a confidential manner - whenever you need. This unique group of peers is there to share and help when you need it most. Imagine having an outlet of trusted peers that have gone through similar situations with the access to hear their experiences. Becoming a member of ELO provides the opportunities to connect at a different level.


Dalton Local Schools, OH
After a year of being in ELO with my peer network, I have grown as a professional and as a person. The collaboration and honest conversations are helping me look intrinsically to grow in areas I need to improve. I truly can't imagine going through next school year without the support of my ELO.

Goldendale School District, WA
Often, when I attend professional learning, I leave feeling like the purpose was to stuff me full of someone else's idea of what I should know and be doing. ELO is different. When I leave a Forum, I feel refreshed, supported, valued, and like I've made a contribution to someone else.

Pinkerton Academy, NH
The relationships I’ve created go beyond the normal interactions of everyday life. Having a group of trusted peers allows me to discuss deep issues within my life that has made me a better person, leader, spouse and parent.
What role do you need to have to become a member of ELO?
We are currently enrolling 3 different peer tracks of K-12 school leaders. After registration, you'll be asked to join one of these:
1) Superintendent or the top position of private or charter schools
2) Leaders on the Rise for district leaders such as Assistant Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, etc.
3) School Principals
What types of educational opportunities are available?
The primary growth opportunity is the participation of Forum. This confidential setting of your peers is the top rated benefit of ELO and has lifechanging effects. After the initial training, the Forums become member led and typically meet on a monthly basis with additional training support available as needed.
Beyond Forum, the learning calendar is led by the Learning Chair of the Board each year. Being member driven, the learning opportunities are based on what is most impactful. It is a mix of profession and personal development, with a focus beyond the normal speakers/topics that you would find at other educational conferences. For example, we go beyond the walls of the education sector and find unique topics and guests to focus on leadership and personal fulfillment. The learning opportunities are virtual and exclusive to ELO, so there is built in time to interact with the speaker for Q&A and real-world discussions. The events are also recorded and available on-demand.
How is this different from other organizations?
Most education organizations and associations have a focus on professional development and advocacy. ELO is all about helping you, the leader, become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life through proven practices in other industry peer groups.
why is there no cost to join?
In other industry peer groups like ELO, the annual member dues are between $5,000-$15,000 per year. Most school leaders utilize district funds or professional development money to pay for organizations like this. However, we feel like the most important step to improve education in this country is to provide support for our current leaders to become the best versions of themselves for the communities they serve.